
Arunvignesh Ramakrishnan

Agile Trainer, Coach & Consultant

tryScrum & tryBusinessAgility


Arunvignesh Ramakrishnan is a passionate Trainer and Coach helping teams and organisations become capable and resilient. He is a Professional Scrum Trainer (PST) from, a Certified Scrum Alliance Trainer (CSAT), a Certified Team Coach (CTC), an Agile Coaching Skills - Educator(ACS-E) from Scrum Alliance and an ICAgile authorized Instructor. He is also an ICF-ACC from the International Coaching Federation.

Arunvignesh holds 15+ years of experience in software development and delivery as a Business Analyst, Scrum Master and Agile Coach working with various engagements, including a large bank, a fund management Product set-up, and IT Services transformation in one of the big three consulting firms.He is Proficient in Agile Transformation in Distributed teams. With a solid foundation in coaching, mentoring & training helped agile teams elevate their agile maturity and assisted in creating a collaborative environment setting up various forums for the community to share and learn continuously. As an Enterprise Agile Coach and Professional Agile Trainer at, own Coaching Programs at tryScrum and created a portfolio of learning solutions designed to enable individuals and teams to be successful through Coaching. The programs include ICAgile-accredited Agile Coaching (ICP-ACC) & Enterprise Agile Coaching (ICP-ENT & ICP-CAT) workshops. Arunvignesh is a B.E., in Electronics & communications Engineering and an MBA, in Finance from Anna University. He lives in Coimbatore, India, where he takes every opportunity to enjoy driving and the great outdoors with his family & friends.


  • Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Communication Engineering Science from Anna University
  • Master of Business Administration in Finance from the PSG Institute of Management, Anna University
  • Digital Strategies for Business Transformation from Columbia University
  • CXO Leadership Education from Cornell University


tryScrum Trainer Credentials
tryScrum Trainer Credentials
tryScrum Trainer Credentials
tryScrum Trainer Credentials
tryScrum Trainer Credentials
tryScrum Trainer Credentials
tryScrum Trainer Credentials

Research Interests

He seeks to research team effectiveness and dynamics for organisations to stay relevant.

  • Team start-up
  • Scaling Teams
  • Agile Transformation

Teaching Interests

Scrum Mastery, Agile Coaching, Product Ownership and Enterprise Agile Transformation

Training Approach and Record

  1. Training experience in more than 6 countries
  2. Trained more than 5000+ learners