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How to Build a Successful Career in the Agile Space

May 15, 2024
6:00 PM to 7:00 PM IST

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Ask Anything, about the path to becoming a CST, CEC, CTC, or PST.

April 30, 2024.

6.00 PM to 7.00 PM IST

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Ask me Anything about “Facilitation”

April 25, 2024 at 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM IST

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Ask me anything about “Scaling” Agility with Venkatesh Rajamani

March 21, 2024 at 6:00 PM to  7:00 PM IST

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The State of Agile with Jim Highsmith

Aug 16th, 2023- 07:00 PM – 8:00 PM IST

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Ask anything about the Path to becoming a CST, CEC, CTC with Venkatesh Rajamani

Date: 08 Jun, 2023

Timings: 07:00 pm – 08:00 pm IST

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Empirical Product Backlog Refinement

From tryScrum, we are happy to launch the Empirical Scrum Series. The purpose of this series is to share complementary practices with community to unlock the potential of your Scrum implementations.





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Ask Anything about Scrum with Colin Bird

Scrum Master Studio in Partnership with tryScrum hosting a series of webinars featuring World-class Speakers!

Sep 29, 2022 07:00 PM in Mumbai, Kolkata, New Delhi

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Ask me Anything about Scrum

Speaker: Iain McKenna, CST

About Iain Mckenna:

Iain has been using Scrum since 2002 and has been a CST for over 10 years.  During that time Iain has been active in the Scrum and Agile communities and currently serves as a member of the Scrum Alliance Trainer Approval Community (TAC) and is one of only a few CSTs licensed to deliver the full Path to CSP for both ScrumMasters and Product Owners.

Having worked in and with agile teams for over 35 years as a Developer, ScrumMaster and Product Owner, there aren’t many things Iain hasn’t seen, done or experienced.

In 2016, Iain was recognised as the Most Valuable Scrum Professional (UK) in a publicly voted for Agile Awards.

Dates: 7th of September
Timings: 7:00 Pm – 7:45 PM IST

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Ask Anything about Agile Leadership with Bob Galen

tryScrum Studios as a part of “Ask Anything about Agile Leadership” is excited to host Bob Galen in April 2022

April 20, 2022

6:00 PM to 6:45 PM IST

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Advancing Corporate UX Maturity

In this webcast, John, the author of Navigating the Politics of UX, a compendium of strategies and stories from his 40 years’ experience in UX, will share how to advance your corporate UX maturity.

Thu, May 19th, 7:30 PM – 8:15 PM IST

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The unFIX Model for Versatile Organization Design

In this webcast, Jurgen will be sharing his insights about his new creation – The unFIX model. It is a simple tool that helps you with the versatile organization design. Unlike many agile scaling frameworks and self-management methods, unFIX has its focus on continuous innovation and the human experience. It facilitates gradual change, dynamic teams, and an important role to play for managers.

Wed, Feb 16, 7:00 PM IST

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Podcast: Agile Coaching & Industry Practices #2

Podcast: Agile Coaching & Industry Practices In this podcast, Venkatesh Rajamani (CEC, CTC, PST) & Arunvignesh Ramakrishnan (CTC, PST) will take questions on Agile coaching

Thu, Mar 3, 7:00 PM IST

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Agile Coaching Clinic #4 – Team Coaching Canvas

In this Agile Coaching Clinic Series, Arunvignesh Ramakrishnan, PST & CTC, will be hosting a webinar on Team Coaching Canvas.

Web, Feb 23, 7:00 PM IST

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Effective use of tools for improving developer productivity

DATE :DEC 09,2021

TIME: 19:00 – 20:00 IST

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The Next Generation Leaders with Arne Åhlander

Arne is a Certified Scrum Trainer (CST), a Training from the Back of the Room (TBR) Certified Trainer, and a former Management 3.0 Licensed Facilitator.

Arne Åhlander is a principal consultant, coach and trainer at Aqqurite. Agile, Lean, Leadership practices and Process Improvement are key elements in his collaboration with the management teams of his customers.

DATE :JAN 11,2022

TIME: 19:00 – 19:35 IST

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The significance of ways of working in Product Management

In this webcast, Richard Svahn, Director, Product Owner Team (HID Global) shares his insights on the topic, “The significance of ways of working in Product Management- Concrete Practices and evolving roles”

DATE :NOV 19,2021

TIME: 18:30 – 19:30 IST

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“From Coach to CEO… and back” by Melissa Boggs

DATE :NOV 17,2021

TIME: 19:00 – 20:00 IST

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Live: Ask Anything about Scrum with Steve Porter

In this webcast, Steve Porter, a PST member of Scrum.org, Co-author of the Kanban Guide for Scrum teams and Nexus Guide, will answer some of your burning questions on Scrum.

Date: 31 Aug, 2021

Time: 19:00 – 20:00 IST

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Live: Ask Anything about Scrum with Arne Åhlander

In this webcast, Arne, a Certified Scrum Trainer (CST), a Training from the Back of the Room (TBR) Certified Trainer and a former Management 3.0 Licensed Facilitator will answer some of your burning questions on Scrum.

Date :Aug 24,2021

Time: 19:30 – 20:30 IST

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The What & Why of Continuous Discovery

Most product teams are starting to adopt discovery best practices (e.g. interviewing customers, usability testing, experimenting). However, many of us are still stuck in a project world. We do research to kick off a project, we usability test right before we hand it off to engineers, and our primary means for experimenting is a/b testing. These methods are better than nothing, but the best product teams are shifting from a project mindset to a continuous mindset.
In this talk, Teresa helps us explore the key differences between project-based discovery and continuous discovery and a clear benchmark to aspire to. Teresa Torres is a Product discovery coach teaching product teams to infuse their daily product decisions with customer input. She’s the author of the upcoming book, Continuous Discovery Habits and blogs at ProductTalk.org.

June 16, 2021

08:30 PM to 09:30 PM IST

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Agile Coaching Clinic – Demonstrating Ethical Practice as an Agile Coach

This is an Agile Coaching Clinic series hosted by Arunvignesh Ramakrishnan, focussing on the Agile Coaching discipline and ways to improve on it. The series will be led by experienced Certified Agile Coaches (CEC’s & CTC’s).
Arunvignesh Ramakrishnan is a Certified Team Coach® with Scrum Alliance (One in 9 in India to hold these credentials), ICAgile Authorised Instructor – Agile & Enterprise Coaching Track, Scrum Foundations Educator with Scrum Alliance, Organisation and Relationship Systems Coaching Trained.

June 10, 2021

06:30 PM to 07:15 PM IST

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Webcast : Ask us Anything about the Path to becoming a CEC,CTC

In this webcast, Venkatesh Rajamani, Certified Enterprise Coach (CEC) , CTC & a Professional Scrum Trainer answers all your questions on the Path to Becoming a CTC or a CEC”.

June 09, 2021

07:00 PM to 08:00 PM IST